NEW Course for Intermediates & Refreshers – 6 Steps to Better Vision – Starting in Jan 2024!

I LOVE teaching Group Vision Courses, they’re so much fun!

I love the comments like: “I’m now seeing everything in a much more 3D way!”, or: “I started noticing so much more than I used to and everything felt so much more REAL”…and this is just after Lesson 2 or 3!  What will it be like after Lesson 6 of the Beginners Course, I wonder? I can’t wait to find out:)

The Intermediates & Refreshers Live Zoom Course will be starting soon – here’s the info: 6 Steps to Better Vision  – Live Zoom Group Course 2. Send me an email if you’re interestecd in joining –  I’d love to help you to get your vision where you want it – and fast!

Charlotte 🙂