Welcome to SeeNaturally! Welcome to beginning to see naturally, without glasses or lenses again!
I have been enjoying the Spring sunshine, which is very welcome, and getting as much daylight as I can each day, as that’s so important for keeping our vision healthy. Sometimes I do my work outdoors, and I also eat as many meals outside as I can too.
And I also try to do plenty of regular Sunning… which is a real joy, as I find sunlight so uplifting and regenerating – in every season – and it’s also wonderful for the vision.
I demonstrated Sunning recently, during a talk I gave recently to a group of patients at the New York Eye & Ear Hospital in Manhattan. I was invited to speak on how the Bates Method might help them to improve their vision naturally, (while still following the advice of their eye doctors of course). It was very well received; they all listened intently and were very interested in what I suggested, based on Dr Bates’ findings. As well as the Sunning, they also enjoyed trying out the palming, blinking and side vision activation. (You’ll find all of these demonstrated in my free ten video course, on my YouTube channel, SeeNaturally).
After speaking about the Bates Method, as requested in advance, I led them through a short Laughter Yoga session. They loved it and were laughing along with me really wonderfully. I was told by the organiser that afterwards, as they left the session, they were all really upbeat and happy. Who would have thought that scientific studies would prove that fake laughter has exactly the same health and mood enhancing benefits for the body as real, natural laughter? In fact, the benefits are so many and so amazing, it’s a wonder we don’t all practise it regularly.
As you can imagine, I was really pleased…and the experience filled me with a lot of joy too.
I’ve got some amazing workshops coming up in the next few months, so have a look at the lessons page and book your space! The prices are really good, and I’ve added US time zone start times as well!
Wishing you a lovely, sparkly, clear and sunny Springtime! …And a very good season wherever you are.