Hurray, it’s ready! I’ve recorded a free, eight lesson video course to help you to improve your eyesight at home, during the time of the Coronavirus.
I’ll be releasing a video lesson twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays, and will post them on my YouTube channel, SeeNaturally.
In addition, I’ll be teaching a live, online vision improvement course, (heavily discounted in price for Coronavirus times), so that you can join in and keep on learning, with others. It will be held on Zoom, once a week. Contact me today to register your interest and find out more on: [email protected].
These are unusual times, and unusual times call for new ideas, change and fresh starts. I hope that these free videos, and the live online course I’ve recorded, will provide you with the motivation, encouragement and know-how you need, to start improving the comfort, quality and clarity of your vision, NOW.
Wishing you well,
Charlotte 🙂