Course details

Hurray, I’ve decided on the finer details of the live online weekly group vision improvement course!

It will consist of six weekly lessons, at a very discounted rate of £15 per person. The lessons will be fun and practical, and you’ll learn SO much! You’re sure to notice your vision improving along the way, and that- trust me, I know – is the greatest motivator of all!

I really look forward to guiding you on your vision improvement journey. We’ll start the course on Thursday 7th May 2020, at 8pm GMT. If there’s demand, I’ll run two courses, the second being in a more convenient time zone for others living outside of the UK.

Contact me now if you’re interested in registering for the live course.

Best wishes,

Charlotte 🙂



Free Video Course Recorded for YouTube!

Hurray, it’s ready! I’ve recorded a free, eight lesson video course to help you to improve your eyesight at home, during the time of the Coronavirus.

I’ll be releasing a video lesson twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays, and will post them on my YouTube channel, SeeNaturally.

In addition, I’ll be teaching a live, online vision improvement course, (heavily discounted in price for Coronavirus times), so that you can join in and keep on learning, with others. It will be held on Zoom, once a week. Contact me today to register your interest and find out more on: [email protected].

These are unusual times, and unusual times call for new ideas, change and fresh starts. I hope that these free videos, and the live online course I’ve recorded, will provide you with the motivation, encouragement and know-how you need, to start improving the comfort, quality and clarity of your vision, NOW.

Wishing you well,

Charlotte 🙂




Hello All,

What a strange time we’re going through at present!

I hope you all stay safe, healthy and well.

If you happen to have the time and inclination to work on your vision during this period, I’m still teaching 1:1 lessons online, by video call, so if you’d like to work with your vision in a 1:1 lesson, do please get in touch to book a session.

I will also regularly be recording free, short, vision improvement videos, and they’ll be posted on my YouTube channel, SeeNaturally.

In addition, I’ll be hosting a weekly group online vision improvement course, so if you’re interested in joining that, please contact me. All group online course sessions will be recorded so that you can access them again at any time.

I wish you all a calm and healthy time, and hope that the world will emerge from this a better place.

With all good wishes,


Autumn workshop

Autumn’s here and it’s time for me to host a brand new group online course!

Book now to join in – start date 14th November – great value at £135 per person (that’s just £22.50 per lesson). Plus you’ll get a 25% discount on any further lessons booked.

Find out how to improve your vision and learn how to relax your visual system, in six fun and easy group lessons. Age, prescription and state of visual health are irrelevant – this course will be tailored for YOUR needs.

There’ll be email support from me throughout, and you’ll get the chance to ask all the questions you want. Lessons will be recorded and sent to you in case you have to miss some.

Try it out – it’s a totally fascinating method, and it works!

Learning will be enjoyable with the others in the class and this really is a unique chance for you to start clearing up that blur and discomfort from your vision, and to de-mystify natural vision improvement, and all at a great price.

Places go fast, so if you’re interested in participating, please do book as soon as you can. Contact me on: [email protected].

On another note, Autumn is a great time of year for using our vision with huge pleasure, as well as interested connection with our surroundings. It’s a time when there are many new and beautiful colours and shades in the nature around us, and a lot of fast-moving changes too. Leaves are transformed as they discolour, wither, and finally fall from the trees, and the light takes on a different aspect. We ourselves, may feel a bit different too; it’s interesting to notice the growing introspection we might feel within us as the weather turns colder – the ancient need to feel warm and safe as winter approaches. (Thank goodness for modern comforts such as hot water, central heating and warm duvets!)

Autumn is a great time to practise vision improvement techniques – so help your vision towards greater clarity by noticing the colours, the movement, and changes around you. And go outdoors into the natural light as much as possible, looking into the distance, whenever you can. 

Summer was a busy time for me on all fronts, but with with so many new and lovely clients, (as well as the old ones), all of whom have been really motivated to devote energy and attention to healing their vision, it’s been a very exciting time! (Check out my new page containing optician’s reports). It’s such a privilege to do this work with you all, and on the way, to get to know you and learn so much from you too – thank you!

Sending you all many good wishes for an enjoyable autumn, and lots of clear, comfortable vision,


Fill your senses with Springtime

Hello Spring, I’m so glad you’re back! I love the daffodils and snowdrops, and white blossoms. I like to look closely at the buds on the trees, stoop down to smell the daphne, stretch up to smell the winter viburnum, and wonder at the surge of fresh new growth around me. There are so many different and subtle shades of green and of brown too- so much to notice and so much to delight the senses. Even the air smells different- it’s often quite fragrant with the smell of grass and earth, especially when the sun’s been shining on it. Are you stopping to notice these things sometimes?

It’s so good for our vision to slow down sometimes and just take notice…just to be here, in the moment, and appreciate the small things around us….even if it’s just how the shaft of sun that shines in through the window lights up what it touches, and feels warm on the skin….the little things. Our eyes were made for this – use them in this way, and they’ll reward you. Blink, breathe, pause, enjoy what you can see with curiosity and awareness – you’re also a part of this whole Spring season, so sense it as fully as you can, in all its detail and beauty, let yourself experience it…let it fill your senses with it’s joyous energy. Charlotte x

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my clients, past, present and future! I wish you clarity and joy in 2018! Do take a look at the extra freebies I’ve thrown in with lesson bookings, and the big price reductions I’ve made for this year … and enjoy! Hopefully I’ll see you very soon – for more clarity, more calm, and better visual health! Charlotte x 🙂

Let go…

It seems to me that everyone around me is rushing around in such a hurry, and yet, we all know, that the faster we do things, the faster more things come along for us to get done, like email responses pinging back to us, requiring an answer to our answer…the endless treadmill – will it ever slow down? Yes it can and yes it does, for some of us – I’m reading Ruby Wax’s latest book “A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled”, and I’m finding it a wonderfully entertaining read, as well as very effective at reminding me to slow down and savour the moment, with the result that – I see more clearly. The human body-eye-mind connection is totally revitalised by slowing down and practising staying in the present moment…I love Mindfulness! x


Let’s get outdoors today – natural light and sunshine especially are fantastic for our vision. In Asia, there is currently an epidemic of myopia (short-sightedness) among school age children, and scientists have found that the reason for it lies in a lack of natural light and sunshine. So, get your kids outdoors (without sunglasses!) Roll on Global Warming..?!